+ [2015-09-05T21:10:02Z] kristian_on_linu however, it breaks when I try to update to full text search like this: https://github.com/christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search#enabling-full-text-search
+ [2015-09-05T21:56:31Z] pontiki hey folks

message no. 110632

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2015-09-05T05:29:35Z

Title: Browsersync - Time-saving synchronised browser testing (at www.browsersync.io)
+ [2015-09-07T05:46:59Z] kashike is there a way to use a different directory for css files? scss imports don't need to be processed outside of /css/
+ [2015-09-07T16:02:01Z] OxFEEDBACC isn't markdown expanded in _include/*.html ?
+ [2015-09-07T16:07:31Z] jaybe OxFEEDBACC, not by default, no; learn about the `markdownify` liquid filter
+ [2015-09-07T16:12:13Z] OxFEEDBACC i just wondered... i guess that's not worth it for including a logo... but thanks...
+ [2015-09-07T16:12:31Z] OxFEEDBACC (too many other things to learn anyway ;-)