+ [2015-10-06T20:27:03Z] RalfJ that doesnt seem to be documented
+ [2015-10-06T20:29:48Z] RalfJ "truncate n" on a string of length n seems to not produce the empty string, but rather the full string?!? so I have to also test for equality.
+ [2015-10-06T20:31:19Z] RalfJ oh wait, I mixed up truncate and slice
+ [2015-10-06T20:36:52Z] RalfJ that works, thanks :)
+ [2015-10-06T20:43:14Z] gynter nice, no problem

message no. 115145

Posted by RalfJ in #jekyll at 2015-10-06T20:31:19Z

oh wait, I mixed up truncate and slice
+ [2015-10-07T11:13:28Z] pontiki hi o/
+ [2015-10-07T11:45:16Z] srenatus hi there. I've got a plugin that supposedly gives me a new tag, but it doesn't seem to work
+ [2015-10-07T11:45:24Z] srenatus how would I approach debugging this?
+ [2015-10-07T11:45:40Z] srenatus Liquid::Tag, that is
+ [2015-10-07T12:38:27Z] pontiki srenatus: this is a plugin you wrote?