+ [2015-10-07T13:55:48Z] srenatus RalfJ: but you can't iterate over the {{ "some_thing" | split:"_" }} output, can you?
+ [2015-10-07T13:59:50Z] RalfJ srenatus: I didnt try, but I would think I can
+ [2015-10-07T14:05:45Z] RalfJ srenatus: indeed I can return native ruba Arrays and Hashes :D
+ [2015-10-07T14:07:33Z] srenatus RalfJ: :)
+ [2015-10-07T20:17:56Z] jaybe dabbles with yet another theme concept/idea

message no. 115199

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-10-07T12:38:27Z

srenatus: this is a plugin you wrote?
+ [2015-10-08T02:02:57Z] jaybe nice; http://phlow.github.io/feeling-responsive/
+ [2015-10-08T02:02:58Z] jekyllrb Title: Feeling Responsive (at phlow.github.io)
+ [2015-10-08T02:17:42Z] jaybe that's a really nice example of logic, structure, planning, etc.
+ [2015-10-08T02:17:44Z] jaybe https://github.com/Phlow/feeling-responsive
+ [2015-10-08T02:17:45Z] jekyllrb Title: Phlow/feeling-responsive ยท GitHub (at github.com)