+ [2015-10-25T17:06:34Z] UniFreak now I solved
+ [2015-10-25T17:06:46Z] UniFreak just did `apt-get install ruby-dev`
+ [2015-10-25T17:11:22Z] Calinou 15.04 or 15.10? :)
+ [2015-10-25T17:25:38Z] UniFreak Calinou: 10
+ [2015-10-25T23:42:01Z] allejo jaybe, ah thanks for that. -f makes life easier than removing the metadata file every time

message no. 117616

Posted by allejo in #jekyll at 2015-10-25T07:05:23Z

So I'm giving jelly 3, beta 10 a shot and I've noticed that I've needed to delete .jekyll-metadata a lot in order to trigger a recompile of a lot of things, mainly collections. is this a known issue or am I just that lucky?
+ [2015-10-26T00:13:57Z] jaybe allejo: :)
+ [2015-10-26T01:05:11Z] razieliyo I was thinking about some use cases when using jekyll
+ [2015-10-26T01:06:10Z] razieliyo imagine I want to use some data associated to a model (i.e.: a person) and I want to render it in my page with jekyll, it would be nice to store this data in just one place, is this possible with some jekyll feature or plugin?
+ [2015-10-26T01:06:34Z] razieliyo I've not ever used jekyll, what I know is that you can generate static sites from markdown text files