+ [2013-10-12T18:52:20Z] zanshin Haven't had the time to dig into the API to see what's broken.
+ [2013-10-13T17:56:07Z] jsbkkj does anyone know if it's possible to start a local dev server for jekyll with the grunt-jeykll plugin?
+ [2013-10-13T17:56:39Z] jsbkkj I'm not having any luck, it's building the site fine, but can't get her to run
+ [2013-10-13T17:56:56Z] jsbkkj obviously, running jekyll server in a separate terminal window is asking too much
+ [2013-10-13T17:57:00Z] jsbkkj serve*

message no. 11765

Posted by jsbkkj in #jekyll at 2013-10-13T17:57:00Z

+ [2013-10-14T03:24:16Z] pontiki rehi o/
+ [2013-10-14T10:07:24Z] maloik Anyone know how to use a .md file as a 'partial' ?
+ [2013-10-14T10:07:39Z] maloik As in, {% include footer.md %} or something like that where the markdown gets rendered automatically
+ [2013-10-14T13:11:59Z] jaybe maloik, partials are not explicitly rendered. you could, however, do something such as the following:
+ [2013-10-14T13:12:20Z] jaybe {% capture mydata %} {% include mypartial %} {% endcapture %}