+ [2015-11-19T11:42:12Z] UniFreak now the output is like this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/13344359/
+ [2015-11-19T11:42:14Z] jekyllrb Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)
+ [2015-11-19T11:52:03Z] gynter if you use bundle then you should alwasy only use bundle exec jekyll ....
+ [2015-11-19T11:52:27Z] gynter are you using local bundle?
+ [2015-11-19T11:53:28Z] gynter also, jekyll3 uses rouge as hilighter, if you want to use pygments then you have to manually install it

message no. 120651

Posted by UniFreak in #jekyll at 2015-11-19T11:41:15Z

both said that jekyll is not in gemfile, so I added `gem: 'jekyll'` into the gemfile
+ [2015-11-20T01:01:59Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6331 (pr/cleanup-url-sanitize) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/92177292
+ [2015-11-20T03:50:37Z] fusion809 Hey, I'm having an issue with CSS styles for some reason changes to base.scss aren't taking effect (and yes I run Ctrl+Shift+R as I am running Chrome, to clean the cache), specific div block styles
+ [2015-11-20T03:50:58Z] fusion809 like div.note and caption styles
+ [2015-11-20T03:51:12Z] fusion809 these styles are saved in _sass/_base.scss
+ [2015-11-20T03:51:14Z] PrincessZoey you do jekyll build right?