+ [2015-12-05T08:22:17Z] eightfold on the home page, the post .md files get’s converted to html, but on the individual post pages the markdown doesn’t get parsed
+ [2015-12-05T08:22:22Z] eightfold it’s output as is
+ [2015-12-05T08:27:33Z] eightfold i had “page.content” on the post.html layout file, not “content”

message no. 123552

Posted by eightfold in #jekyll at 2015-12-05T08:27:33Z

i had “page.content” on the post.html layout file, not “content”
+ [2015-12-06T16:19:02Z] pontiki hah! this time i checked to see if inhfat was here before answering
+ [2015-12-06T21:45:44Z] andersonvom hey there, I'm having issues getting the "defaults.scope" attribute to work. I have scope.path: "_posts/en" and values.layout: home, but none of the posts under the en/ directory get the layout set.
+ [2015-12-06T21:47:03Z] osfameron pontiki: heh, yeah, I almost replied to suggest jekyllthemes but never mind
+ [2015-12-06T21:47:23Z] osfameron andersonvom: is your config on github, or can you link to a pastebin?
+ [2015-12-06T21:47:26Z] andersonvom though when I try to print page.layout on the page itself, the value is set correctly