+[9 years ago]parkrbishop1992: ok cool. sometimes other processes use 4000. :) +[9 years ago]bishop1992did some poking around with netstat. 4000 is being used be another process in for my thin client +[9 years ago]parkrtest of irc.parkermoo.re +[9 years ago]parkrit works! https://irc.parkermoo.re/messages/123693/context +[9 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: Chat Log Server / #jekyll (at irc.parkermoo.re)
Title: Chat Log Server / #jekyll (at irc.parkermoo.re)
+[9 years ago]parkr_Dry_Lips: re: https://botbot.me/freenode/jekyll/msg/59439748/, it's a problem with jekyll-srcset but it shouldn't break anything https://github.com/netlify/jekyll-srcset/blob/ad7730dea2e3d4e03f8878e2b8fba8123cd06834/lib/jekyll/srcset/tag.rb#L1 +[9 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: jekyll-srcset/tag.rb at ad7730dea2e3d4e03f8878e2b8fba8123cd06834 · netlify/jekyll-srcset · GitHub (at github.com) +[9 years ago]parkrdarn it, my irc logger keeps dying. heroku doesn't allow free programs to run for >18hrs so it keeps idling and sleeping +[9 years ago]parkrcrontab will not ping it frequently haha +[9 years ago]parkrthat'll keep it up :)