+ [2016-02-18T18:27:28Z] fox_mulder_cp but intresint in sucollections
+ [2016-02-18T18:32:48Z] allejo I don't believe nested collections are a thing with jekyll: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2386
+ [2016-02-18T18:32:49Z] jekyllrb Title: Nested collections? · Issue #2386 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2016-02-18T18:40:17Z] fox_mulder_cp go to author site and dropped in photos

message no. 123702

Posted by parkr in #jekyll at 2016-02-18T03:24:57Z

darn it, my irc logger keeps dying. heroku doesn't allow free programs to run for >18hrs so it keeps idling and sleeping
+ [2016-02-19T00:15:34Z] miklb has anyone used the Firebase for jekyll comments? Curious how it affects performance
+ [2016-02-19T03:40:30Z] Baronhazel Hello, anyone able to assist in a new user, Im installing a fresh install of jekyll and uploading it to github and keep getting and email stating "A file was included in `bb-blog/about.md` that is a symlink or does not exist in your `_includes` directory."
+ [2016-02-20T09:48:27Z] brontosaurusrex any more nooby instructions for this https://github.com/slashdotdash/jekyll-lunr-js-search ? I get lost at #6
+ [2016-02-20T09:48:28Z] jekyllrb Title: GitHub - slashdotdash/jekyll-lunr-js-search: Jekyll + lunr.js = static websites with powerful full-text search using JavaScript (at github.com)
+ [2016-02-20T18:00:14Z] pjc_ Hello, I’m new to jekyll and irc; I was looking for some help related to embedding gists in jekyll markdown.