+ [2016-04-02T21:57:42Z] Gondlar I've already opened one
+ [2016-04-02T21:58:01Z] jaybe Great
+ [2016-04-02T22:02:27Z] Gondlar however the last activity on that project was in May 2015, he seems to be doing other things
+ [2016-04-02T23:25:58Z] jleclanche I'm trying to self-host a github pages site. Installed the github-pages gem, and didn't touch the _config.yml file -- yet there's one difference: on github pages, fenced code blocks produce proper nested divs and syntax-highlighted code blocks, but on my self-hosted version, it just produces a <code class="highlighter-rouge"> with raw contents
+ [2016-04-02T23:26:13Z] jleclanche any idea why this is? Im using kramdown with input: GFM

message no. 129627

Posted by jleclanche in #jekyll at 2016-04-02T23:26:13Z

any idea why this is? Im using kramdown with input: GFM
+ [2016-04-03T01:31:50Z] jaybe Gondlar: nod
+ [2016-04-03T18:05:51Z] timwis hey guys, is there a way to remove whitespace from templates? I'm trying to construct a json file, and the lines with liquid conditionals/tags on them are rendered as whitespace
+ [2016-04-03T20:32:11Z] osfameron timwis: that sounds like quite a bad way to generate a json file?
+ [2016-04-03T20:35:04Z] timwis have a better idea osfameron? generating a JSON file representation of a collection item's front matter
+ [2016-04-03T20:35:24Z] timwis actually figured out a way to do it: use {% capture %} around my liquid tags