+ [2013-11-02T18:54:23Z] jezen Happy Halloween
+ [2013-11-02T18:54:35Z] jezen is there a method for parsing liquid?
+ [2013-11-02T18:55:12Z] jezen I wrote a generator that reads HTML and outputs JSON
+ [2013-11-02T18:55:28Z] jezen but it’s not parsing liquid tags
+ [2013-11-02T22:01:14Z] jezen hello..

message no. 13082

Posted by jezen in #jekyll at 2013-11-02T18:55:28Z

but it’s not parsing liquid tags
+ [2013-11-03T04:34:51Z] zanshin What do you mean by parsing liquid tags?
+ [2013-11-03T04:52:37Z] p0nny Hi. I'm currently using a plugin shown in the Jekyll docs which allows me to make a page for each category on my site, that lists each post within that category, on that page. In each post, I also specify a custom front matter called "Artist". I'm trying to list each unique Artist, tagged under posts in a specified category.
+ [2013-11-03T04:53:03Z] p0nny Would anybody have an idea as to how that would be done? Can you do that in a for loop? Or would the categories.rb plugin need to be edited?
+ [2013-11-03T14:11:20Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] rezapaya/jekyll#2 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/rezapaya/jekyll/builds/13434092
+ [2013-11-03T20:24:14Z] viccuad Hi, I'm making a portfolio gallery plugin for Jekyll. What is the way to obtain jekyll's sources path? I have tried with things as "self.source" but no luck whatsoever.