+[2016-04-22T13:56:31Z]jaybethat's code for-- i can't stop and look and find it for you right now-- but you know enough of what you're looking for and doing to figure it out +[2016-04-22T13:56:50Z]eightfoldah:) +[2016-04-22T13:56:54Z]eightfoldi’ll give it a try +[2016-04-22T13:57:07Z]eightfoldi’m not hopeful though :) +[2016-04-22T22:34:34Z]travis-cialfredxing/jekyll#161 (master) The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/alfredxing/jekyll/builds/125141942
+[2016-04-23T12:25:57Z]funkenstrahlenhey, I try to create a jekyll plugin to generate a json file for each of my posts. +[2016-04-23T12:26:01Z]funkenstrahlenthis is what I got: https://gist.github.com/1760b3ba5d55a6161a54f85c02c17703 +[2016-04-23T12:26:02Z]jekyllrbTitle: generate-json.rb · GitHub (at gist.github.com) +[2016-04-23T12:26:26Z]funkenstrahlenHowever it does not quite work. It generates the files for just a millisencond. then they are removed again +[2016-04-23T12:26:44Z]funkenstrahlenI suppose they are removed by the regular post html generation?