+ [2013-11-11T01:54:43Z] pontiki oh, super!!
+ [2013-11-12T02:33:48Z] rel3xxx hello, anyone around?
+ [2013-11-13T19:07:45Z] milktrader hmm, how do we provide links to other web pages in the text of a blog?
+ [2013-11-13T19:25:15Z] milktrader oh, that was easy. Just put in the addresss
+ [2013-11-14T20:28:12Z] Usling =)

message no. 13748

Posted by Usling in #octopress at 2013-11-14T20:28:12Z

+ [2013-11-15T08:50:41Z] frankforest i deployed to heroku and get a blank page. i check the google group page and there was a similar post that went unanswered: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/octopress/oQhkKyaevDQ. when i do 'rake preview' i can see the blog template locally.
+ [2013-11-15T09:10:12Z] pontiki ... why would someone put a static site on heroku?