+ [2016-06-10T09:50:42Z] ash_workz I was thinking about doing something like this:http://g.jk.gs/wX.png
+ [2016-06-10T09:50:48Z] ash_workz this: http://g.jk.gs/wX.png
+ [2016-06-10T12:39:28Z] jekyllrb (jekyllrb.com) (#1) http://jekyllrb.com, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/tree/master/site
+ [2016-06-10T12:39:28Z] jaybe The way the [[ jekyllrb.com ]] site and is laid out is a good example

message no. 138691

Posted by ash_workz in #jekyll at 2016-06-10T09:50:45Z

+ [2016-06-11T11:13:02Z] psprint Hello. What does "Jekyll" mean?
+ [2016-06-11T11:13:11Z] gynter It means Jekyll
+ [2016-06-11T11:13:23Z] gynter [[ jekyll ]]
+ [2016-06-11T11:13:23Z] jekyllrb (jekyll) http://jekyllrb.com
+ [2016-06-11T11:13:26Z] gynter :(