+ [2016-06-29T16:25:03Z] cyource miklb hi again, I wanted to ask - regarding the pure css read more/less toggle I aksed about yesterday - if there's a better way than adding html tags to my markdown posts.
+ [2016-06-29T17:24:43Z] cyource anyone?
+ [2016-06-29T18:18:02Z] marcanuy When generating a site with jekyll 3.1.6, *some* of mine '/bower_components' packages aren't being copied to '_site/bower_components', any ideas?
+ [2016-06-29T19:08:00Z] jaybe jekyll does remove and rebuild (entirely) the output/render directory, each time
+ [2016-06-29T19:08:15Z] jaybe by default, directories with leading underscores and not included by default

message no. 140886

Posted by boopear in #jekyll at 2016-06-29T05:39:28Z

+ [2016-06-30T19:11:21Z] doebi i defined a peralink setting in my _config.yml but the changes didn't take effect. what am i missing?
+ [2016-06-30T19:14:42Z] jaybe did you stop build/watch and start again? changes to _config.yml require starting jekyll
+ [2016-06-30T19:17:55Z] doebi jaybe: hmm, yeah. i just figured. so _config.yml is only reloaded on explicit restart?
+ [2016-06-30T19:18:14Z] doebi jaybe: thx, works now
+ [2016-06-30T19:18:37Z] jaybe doebi, great! welcome