+ [2016-07-04T18:59:57Z] pontiki let me find the dox on that, hang on
+ [2016-07-04T19:03:41Z] pontiki here we go: http://kramdown.gettalong.org/converter/html.html#toc
+ [2016-07-04T19:03:42Z] jekyllrb Title: HTML Converter | kramdown (at kramdown.gettalong.org)
+ [2016-07-04T19:04:43Z] pontiki so the line that has {:toc} also needs the line above - so wrap both lines in that if
+ [2016-07-04T19:16:15Z] sdaugherty Working on moving irchelp.org from Piecrust 1.x to Jekyll today. Should be fun :)

message no. 141578

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2016-07-04T19:03:42Z

Title: HTML Converter | kramdown (at kramdown.gettalong.org)
+ [2016-07-05T11:12:09Z] vegardj Hello!
+ [2016-07-05T11:12:21Z] vegardj I'm wanting to manage my blog with Jekyll
+ [2016-07-05T11:12:43Z] vegardj Everything is good (i think) its just when i built it to "_site" and open index.html it looks like a huge mess!
+ [2016-07-05T11:13:00Z] vegardj mostly things arent formatted correctly and every image/icon is HUYGEE
+ [2016-07-05T11:13:26Z] vegardj serving it with "jekyll serve ..." and going localhost:4000 works just fine