+ [9 years ago] Hund Is it possible to have like 10 posts per page when it's hosted on Github?
+ [9 years ago] Hund Oh, it's called pagination.
+ [9 years ago] jaybe [[ paginate ]]
+ [9 years ago] jekyllrb (paginate) (#1) https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/announcement-retiring-jekyll-paginate/1004, or (#2) https://github.com/octopress/paginate
+ [9 years ago] Hund Ah

message no. 142098

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2016-07-06T16:31:40Z

(paginate) (#1) https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/announcement-retiring-jekyll-paginate/1004, or (#2) https://github.com/octopress/paginate
+ [9 years ago] adamzap I'm getting "ERROR: while executing gem ... (TypeError) no implicit conversion of nil into String" when I run `gem install jekyll`. Can anyone assist me?
+ [9 years ago] stguo hi, I have a file 'project' that simply has an id of 1 in a collection 'projects' - my tag {{% project.id %}} expands correctly to just '1' when serving it locally, but when I uploaded the site to github it expanded to '/projects/project'
+ [9 years ago] stguo does anyone know why that might be?
+ [9 years ago] arpit Hi i have pushed changes in master but github is not reflecting chnages
+ [9 years ago] arpit changes