+ [2016-07-07T06:38:08Z] arpit @miklb
+ [2016-07-07T06:38:10Z] arpit got it
+ [2016-07-07T11:41:06Z] oezpeda hi everybody. I'm trying to fix an issue with a plugin, but as I don't know any ruby, I'm having trouble fixing the bug, can anybody help me? thanks in advance
+ [2016-07-07T12:14:52Z] jekyllrb (plugins) http://osfameron.github.io/jekyll-plugins-tutorial/
+ [2016-07-07T12:14:52Z] jaybe oezpeda: check out [[ plugins ]]

message no. 142184

Posted by arpit in #jekyll at 2016-07-07T06:30:22Z

+ [2016-07-08T03:11:34Z] jaybe just wanna say, after updating an ongoing, multi-year client' web site... quickly and easily... and gleefully... with jekyll, git, os x, sublime... that i love me some jekyll!
+ [2016-07-08T05:15:36Z] ugly_cat I'm trying to figure out how to separtate one of my markdown files in the _posts folder into separate sections. In my template for the post, I want to stick one section into a div and another section into another div.
+ [2016-07-08T05:16:18Z] pontiki okay... why is this an issue?
+ [2016-07-08T05:16:35Z] pontiki you know you can write HTML directly into markdown?
+ [2016-07-08T05:16:58Z] ugly_cat I don't want to do that