+[2016-07-21T17:32:50Z]d3rrialthanks! +[2016-07-21T22:38:24Z]spudowiarbeen fucking around with getting Haml and ERB on Jekyll +[2016-07-21T22:38:36Z]spudowiarso basically I create a Ruby binding which calls into Liquid Drops +[2016-07-21T22:38:48Z]spudowiarso you can still do stuff like page.title, etc. +[2016-07-21T22:38:58Z]spudowiarit's quite evil, looking for a better way, don't think there is one :/
actually, it does work by simply adding a data dir
+[2016-07-22T02:47:58Z]jaybemiklb, thanks re: topic vs. entry msg; fixed +[2016-07-22T06:24:57Z]UniFreakI'm trying to switch to rouge and kramdown, here is my _config.yml: http://pastebin.com/DZr2dAmb +[2016-07-22T06:24:58Z]jekyllrbTitle: # highlighter: pygments highlighter: rouge # markdown: redcarpet # redcarpe - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com) +[2016-07-22T06:25:37Z]UniFreakall is fine, only that when I'm trying to write a php code block, I have to do so like this: ```php <?php ....mycode... ?> ``` +[2016-07-22T06:26:06Z]UniFreakif I do it like this: ```php ...mycode ...```, there won't be any highlight