+[2016-07-31T19:35:12Z]miklb.fs tell daumie you probably need to bundle update then +[2016-07-31T20:51:29Z]mchelen2any suggestions for a best-practices theme or site scaffold to use? +[2016-07-31T21:56:17Z]jaybemchelen2: the default new theme +[2016-07-31T21:56:24Z]jaybeIe. jekyll new mysite +[2016-07-31T21:58:48Z]mchelen2jaybe: ah ok, does it have a command for generating new posts?
jaybe: ah ok, does it have a command for generating new posts?
+[2016-08-01T00:26:26Z]jaybemchelen2: just create a new post/file +[2016-08-01T00:26:42Z]jaybe[[ frontmatter ]] +[2016-08-01T00:26:42Z]jekyllrb(frontmatter) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/ +[2016-08-01T00:54:01Z]mchelen2jaybe: right, well, usually the post and/or frontmatter will include things like the date and title +[2016-08-01T00:54:31Z]mchelen2jaybe: so i dont like having to manually enter those once or twice