+[2016-08-09T21:36:54Z]keekzwith her images etc +[2016-08-09T21:37:43Z]keekzbarq: you can find the jekyll version here: https://jekyllthemes.io/theme/24792726/landing-page-theme and many jekyll themes at https://jekyllthemes.io/ +[2016-08-09T21:37:44Z]jekyllrbTitle: landing page theme - Jekyll Themes & Templates (at jekyllthemes.io) +[2016-08-09T23:13:22Z]Krandshello +[2016-08-09T23:49:45Z]jaybeAnyong
message no. 146091
Posted by keekz in #jekyll at 2016-08-09T21:36:54Z
with her images etc
+[2016-08-10T00:38:33Z]saltnburnemhey +[2016-08-10T00:39:36Z]saltnburnemI just upgraded jekyll and i updated ruby and rubygems and i still can't get anything to work, specifically bundle install +[2016-08-10T00:53:26Z]miklbsaltnburnem would need more context. OS, updated from what versions to what versions, what errors you're getting. Can always stick in the info in gist or pastebin if a lot of output +[2016-08-10T00:54:55Z]saltnburnemI dont even know what version I was using previous +[2016-08-10T00:56:43Z]saltnburnemMac OS 10.10.5, upgrading to newest version, when I run bundle install it says it is not a command