+ [2016-08-09T21:02:28Z] jhass yw
+ [2016-08-09T21:49:20Z] Gurkenglas How do I clone a repository in the desktop client without forking it?
+ [2016-08-09T22:38:02Z] tsppp ahoy
+ [2016-08-09T22:38:39Z] tsppp anyone familiar with oauth and the github api and can help out for a min?
+ [2016-08-09T22:58:03Z] jhass just ask your real question, if anyone is, they'll respond

message no. 146094

Posted by Gurkenglas in #github at 2016-08-09T21:49:20Z

How do I clone a repository in the desktop client without forking it?
+ [2016-08-10T08:22:49Z] huptoka Hello, how do you search for 'MyClass.method = {' in a repo? It's fetching everything that contains any of the words but I need something like fgrep
+ [2016-08-10T08:26:06Z] Josay use quotes maybe ?
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:15Z] huptoka there are quotes in there
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:19Z] huptoka can't you see them?
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:28Z] huptoka if you meant double quotes, I already tried