+ [11 years ago] usrnix Hi, I updated to the lastest jekyll gem version, my site won't load now, "error: can't convert nil into String." and the useless trace just shows module rubbish.. any ideas on this?
+ [11 years ago] OWNSyouAll usrnix, are you using any plugins?
+ [11 years ago] usrnix OWNSyouAll: Yea thanks, turned out to be Category/Monthly Archiver plugins

message no. 14610

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2013-12-08T02:25:13Z

[travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll-import#265 (stringify-keys-from-jekyll - 79c9f57 : Parker Moore): The build passed.
+ [11 years ago] simon_weber Is there a way to permalink to a path that doesn't end in / or .html? I'm looking to generate json files alongside my html files and use Pages for hosting, but using eg permalink: /foo/bar.json yields /foo/bar.json/index.html
+ [11 years ago] simon_weber I could just use eg y/m/d.html and y/m/d/, but then I have a wonky index.html that's still being served
+ [11 years ago] pontiki can you say why you want to serve json that way?
+ [11 years ago] pontiki simon_weber: ?