+[8 years ago]sanketjaybe: I didn't know that jekyll has support for themes +[8 years ago]jaybesanket, yes; recent addition to latest jekyll [[ themes [[ +[8 years ago]jekyllrb(themes) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/ +[8 years ago]jaybesanket, yes; recent addition to latest jekyll [[ themes ]] +[8 years ago]sanketI see
keekz, yeah, but isn't a post statement called from inside a for loop? Can you use it as an if statement outside a loop?
+[8 years ago]miklbbefore I write a plugin to do it, is anyone familiar with a plugin that will autolink a URL, i.e. turn http://example.com into [http://example.com](http://example.com) +[8 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: Example Domain (at example.com) +[8 years ago]miklbhmm. kramdown supports <http://example.com>, or I could use redcarpet… +[8 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: Example Domain (at example.com) +[8 years ago]roflmyeggoanyone know any tips for debugging why github-pages Jekyll installation wont update with manual pushing to gh-pages branch?