+ [2016-08-15T19:32:23Z] sanket jaybe: I didn't know that jekyll has support for themes
+ [2016-08-15T19:40:47Z] jaybe sanket, yes; recent addition to latest jekyll [[ themes [[
+ [2016-08-15T19:40:49Z] jekyllrb (themes) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/
+ [2016-08-15T19:40:49Z] jaybe sanket, yes; recent addition to latest jekyll [[ themes ]]
+ [2016-08-15T19:41:37Z] sanket I see

message no. 146819

Posted by zero-gravitas in #jekyll at 2016-08-15T17:07:18Z

generate them, and then use them—to be clear
+ [2016-08-16T01:03:08Z] miklb before I write a plugin to do it, is anyone familiar with a plugin that will autolink a URL, i.e. turn http://example.com into [http://example.com](http://example.com)
+ [2016-08-16T01:03:09Z] jekyllrb Title: Example Domain (at example.com)
+ [2016-08-16T01:10:00Z] miklb hmm. kramdown supports <http://example.com>, or I could use redcarpet…
+ [2016-08-16T01:10:00Z] jekyllrb Title: Example Domain (at example.com)
+ [2016-08-16T03:01:58Z] roflmyeggo anyone know any tips for debugging why github-pages Jekyll installation wont update with manual pushing to gh-pages branch?