+ [2016-08-20T21:14:58Z] jekyllrb Title: Simple grid mixins (at thesassway.com)
+ [2016-08-20T21:15:28Z] Krands Ho, nevermind!
+ [2016-08-20T21:15:52Z] Krands I had a better integration idea with your "{% if post.illustration.url %}"
+ [2016-08-20T21:19:17Z] Krands thanks allejo!
+ [2016-08-20T21:28:52Z] allejo :)

message no. 147466

Posted by zero-gravitas in #jekyll at 2016-08-20T16:02:49Z

@su1ts No I meant by removing them from your templates, e.g. a layout that has separate includes for the header and the footer, etc. every time that layout gets called it has to pull in those includes and that adds up to more build time
+ [2016-08-21T23:18:22Z] sofly anyone have a sane way to do dropdowns with looping?
+ [2016-08-21T23:18:31Z] sofly Google is sending me to questionable things
+ [2016-08-21T23:18:49Z] sofly it seems like I'm going to need to write my own code that uses page.path to do some logic :(
+ [2016-08-21T23:19:15Z] sofly or would it be wiser to just add some custom frontmatter to "subpages" and then check for that in my loop... hmm, that sounds more reasonable :)