+ [2013-12-13T19:56:08Z] troyswanson y u no just use github pages?
+ [2013-12-13T19:58:08Z] troyswanson very cool article :) ill have to check out bitballoon for sure
+ [2013-12-13T21:09:24Z] usrnix Jekyll's truncate seems to have a bug, at least with the <pre> tag it might truncate before the closing tag and leave it open, busting the rest of the site :S

message no. 14855

Posted by Watcher7 in #jekyll at 2013-12-13T03:16:17Z

jaybe, it does.
+ [2013-12-14T02:25:21Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2420 (highlight-without-newline) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/15432140
+ [2013-12-14T03:19:37Z] pontiki be nice if they linked to the actual article instead of the front page :p
+ [2013-12-14T03:48:29Z] pontiki (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
+ [2013-12-14T10:35:32Z] kaffeebohne I've got a really strange problem with one of my posts. If I export the site with the post, the sites structure gets messed up (there's only one ".post" in ".posts", the other ".post"-s are outside) https://paste.xinu.at/1le/
+ [2013-12-14T10:44:43Z] penibelst kaffeebohne: try to remove everything except 1 sentence in the article. Then try again.