+ [2016-09-09T14:37:21Z] anosh I reverted those
+ [2016-09-09T14:37:33Z] anosh Oh well
+ [2016-09-09T14:37:38Z] anosh At the very least it's fixed
+ [2016-09-09T23:09:23Z] jaybe Awesome: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/pull/5344
+ [2016-09-09T23:09:24Z] jekyllrb Title: Make Jekyll hyper-parallel, how about we make Jekyll fast, yes? by envygeeks · Pull Request #5344 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)

message no. 150064

Posted by anosh in #jekyll at 2016-09-09T14:35:24Z

I've been reverting them as much as possible
+ [2016-09-10T04:17:35Z] Moondhum I get this "WARNING: You don't have /root/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin in your PATH,"
+ [2016-09-10T04:17:51Z] Moondhum gem executables will not run.
+ [2016-09-10T04:19:04Z] Moondhum I am trying to install as a sudo user, I have .gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin in my home. Do I have to run "gem install jekyll" as root?
+ [2016-09-10T04:27:46Z] Moondhum Ok solved, didn't check google properly.
+ [2016-09-10T15:17:43Z] _mirko_ Hi, I need some help. I made a website using jekyll. I uploaded _site/ content. Everything works.