+ [2016-09-16T12:46:55Z] jpoth spinningarrow: hmm weird... Yeah using 3.2.1
+ [2016-09-16T18:34:52Z] RavinduL Hi there (n.b. it's my first time here ^^)! Is Jekyll a good solution to use for a blog? What does 'blog-aware' mean?
+ [2016-09-16T19:18:53Z] jaybe aww he left in under 10 mins. :(
+ [2016-09-16T19:26:52Z] allejo didn't get the memo that IRC was renamed to Instant Reply Coversations
+ [2016-09-16T20:24:14Z] jaybe Immediacy Required ComeOn!

message no. 150638

Posted by spinningarrow in #jekyll at 2016-09-16T09:23:43Z

Hmm, I didn't put the url parameter at all - seems to work just fine
+ [2016-09-17T06:56:17Z] thekore82 start using Jekyll in windows for my first new site. Generated ok but when accessed the site the css seems missing
+ [2016-09-17T06:56:45Z] thekore82 anything I should check? missing gem?
+ [2016-09-17T15:43:50Z] su1ts hi, wasn't there a command to output jekyll serve/build in colors in the command line? something like 'jekyll serve --color'
+ [2016-09-17T15:55:06Z] pontiki morning!
+ [2016-09-17T17:17:26Z] jaybe pontiki, o/