+ [2016-11-02T19:19:50Z] passstab I just want to make the backround of the header light yellow
+ [2016-11-02T19:21:07Z] jekyllrb (minima) https://github.com/jekyll/minima
+ [2016-11-02T19:21:06Z] jaybe ./fs minima
+ [2016-11-02T19:22:29Z] allejo under "customization"
+ [2016-11-02T20:55:34Z] passstab jaybe, allejo thanks

message no. 155518

Posted by passstab in #jekyll at 2016-11-02T20:55:34Z

jaybe, allejo thanks
+ [2016-11-03T14:11:37Z] nickjj does anyone know how to solve the problem of 1) include a.html with var="hello" , 2) a.html in itself includes b.html but I want to pass "hello" to b's var parameter
+ [2016-11-03T14:11:56Z] nickjj been trying everything, just using {{include.var}} doesn't work (syntax error), and neither does using capture
+ [2016-11-03T14:17:51Z] nickjj i know "doesn't work" sucks, but jekyll's error reporting isn't really that good, it tells me the include file is missing but it's not missing because if i remove var from b.html's include it loads fine (except what I'm trying to do doesn't work of course)
+ [2016-11-03T14:22:48Z] miklb I think I have a solution, one sec while I check some files
+ [2016-11-03T14:28:53Z] miklb {% include a.html var="hello" %} in a.html {% assign var = include.var %}