+[2016-11-12T22:32:39Z]jaybe./seen parkr +[2016-11-12T22:32:39Z]jekyllrbparkr was last seen in #jekyll 2 weeks, 1 day, 1 hour, 58 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <parkr> :+1: +[2016-11-12T22:33:59Z]allejowhat. i've never seen him here :( +[2016-11-12T22:48:50Z]gynterhello +[2016-11-12T22:48:53Z]gynterand good night :D
+[2016-11-14T10:33:19Z]vegardxSay I have map in _data/ that I want to iterate over and output a single file based on the hash key and content of that hash? +[2016-11-14T10:33:28Z]vegardxIs there any magic tricks? +[2016-11-14T19:50:08Z]travis-cijekyll/jekyll-sass-converter#121 The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-sass-converter/builds/175822588 +[2016-11-14T21:16:11Z]travis-cijekyll/jekyll-sass-converter#126 The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-sass-converter/builds/175853896 +[2016-11-14T22:06:38Z]ceterumHi. I added a video to a post using <video></video> (HTML5). Is there a way to make it obey the max width of the post, like images do?