+[2014-01-02T22:54:31Z]Scriptorwhy is the watch configuration option deprecated? +[2014-01-02T22:55:21Z]Scriptorseems more convenient to specify it in the config than remember to type --watch +[2014-01-02T22:55:29Z]Scriptorit's not a huge issue, I'm just curious +[2014-01-02T22:57:41Z]jaybe-w +[2014-01-02T23:20:07Z]bretScriptor not sure, but I didn't like the change either. Let me know if you figure it out
and in config.yml i have this: timezone: America/Los_Angeles
+[2014-01-03T01:35:38Z]ekkelettI'm having a time googling for a strange litt exception I get with my {% assign %} tag, which admittedly is liquid related more than really jekyll +[2014-01-03T01:36:20Z]ekkelett" Liquid Exception: undefined method `<=>' for ..." - I get that with "{% assign pagelist = sites.pages | sort:weight %}" - I'm having a hard time seeing why it fails +[2014-01-03T01:40:41Z]ekkelettplus, whatever front matter variables I try to use to sort end up having no effect +[2014-01-03T01:44:12Z]tombellekkelett: looks like an error with sort, <=> is used in ruby for sorting +[2014-01-03T01:44:34Z]ekkelettpeculiar :/