+[2017-01-10T19:12:56Z]thunder0111ok i want to replace puppylinux kernel with new one is this possible. +[2017-01-10T19:14:03Z]Dazzypthunder0111 I recommend you try #puppylinux +[2017-01-10T22:32:06Z]pikajudeis this a good place to ask questions about the hub tool? +[2017-01-10T22:50:00Z]radulence84Hello to all +[2017-01-10T23:01:08Z]pikajudehi
+[2017-01-11T07:53:34Z]aollierjnavila: bonjour +[2017-01-11T07:53:42Z]hellcookHi +[2017-01-11T07:54:23Z]hellcookIs it possible as a collaborator to have the permission to delete branches on a repo? +[2017-01-11T07:54:40Z]hellcook(branches I created and that are merged) +[2017-01-11T07:55:30Z]hellcookI guess SF is going to bed...