+[2017-01-13T16:54:03Z]pocketsbefore that my personal github pages just redirected to an html/css version of my resume +[2017-01-13T16:55:18Z]pocketsah there we go +[2017-01-13T16:55:23Z]pocketsgithub page builds were down too lol +[2017-01-13T16:58:00Z]jaybe;p +[2017-01-13T16:58:05Z]jaybei don't use GHP
i only started using jekyll properly like a month ago
+[2017-01-14T15:12:46Z]elliyHi all, I'm a newbie looking for some advice regarding using Travis CI and Jekyll. I've been following this guide (https://kjaer.io/travis/) but I can't seem to understand which files go into which folder. Otherwise, I sort of understand how the process is supposed to work. +[2017-01-14T15:12:47Z]jekyllrbTitle: Travis CI deployments to DigitalOcean (at kjaer.io) +[2017-01-14T15:12:58Z]elliyAny help would be greatly appreciated! +[2017-01-14T15:47:20Z]parsnipelliy: is `jekyll serve` already working? it's not clear what your specific problem is. +[2017-01-14T15:53:05Z]elliyparsnip: I'll try to describe it as precisely as I can. I have installed Jekyll, and can 'jekyll serve' on its own. I have installed Travis CI, and have set up some of the scripts to deploy it (which includes a 'jekyll build').