+[11 years ago]kaffeebohne*:D +[11 years ago]kaffeebohnethanks pontiki +[11 years ago]pontikiyw +[11 years ago]mxmassterhello +[11 years ago]mxmassterso i've noticed that jekyll build does not compile new posts, where jekyll serve does
+[11 years ago]pontikierr. wut? +[11 years ago]pontikii guess they figured out it did, or something... +[11 years ago]pontiki_working on my art blog site, i'm looking for something to help with the images (which can be large) and i don't want to store them in my repo +[11 years ago]pontiki_i'd prefer to host the images off S3 +[11 years ago]pontiki_just wondering if anyone has heard of a plugin that makes blog post writing easier to integrate?