+[2017-02-14T21:47:35Z]humblefrank100 pages maxmimum +[2017-02-14T21:47:37Z]humblefrankeven less +[2017-02-14T21:48:11Z]osfamerongreat +[2017-02-14T21:48:24Z]osfameronwanders off. anyway, good luck with your project :-) +[2017-02-14T21:49:22Z]humblefrankthanks :D
thanks, I was just hoping that you might bumped into this problem and you might be able to answer (I mean the community)
+[2017-02-15T00:50:32Z]parsnipcan I install minima without bundler? +[2017-02-15T00:54:05Z]parsniphmm, minima rakefile has a require bundler in it +[2017-02-15T01:43:49Z]jaybeyah addition of gem based [[ themes ]] added the expectation of bundler +[2017-02-15T01:43:50Z]jekyllrb(themes) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/ +[2017-02-15T01:44:15Z]jaybeparsnip, you can accomplish using minima as a baseline for your own theme easily however