+ [2017-04-13T15:27:37Z] jekyllrb (toc) http://www.seanbuscay.com/blog/jekyll-toc-markdown/
+ [2017-04-13T18:20:18Z] ash_workz YES jaybe you're awsome
+ [2017-04-13T18:20:42Z] ash_workz is there a way to determine if a link is in a subdirectory?
+ [2017-04-13T18:29:29Z] ash_workz actually, is there a way to default the header to link to itself?

message no. 167525

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2017-04-13T15:27:37Z

(toc) http://www.seanbuscay.com/blog/jekyll-toc-markdown/
+ [2017-04-16T00:19:46Z] mefistofeles hey, I'm having a hard time using minimal-mistakes from jekyll, I can't get the CSS/styling to work in my GH site https://ijpulidos.github.io/ any ideas what may be going on?
+ [2017-04-16T00:19:47Z] jekyllrb Title: Ivan's Tangent Bundle (at ijpulidos.github.io)
+ [2017-04-16T02:19:47Z] tohuw jaybe ah, dig... it didn't click that collections could essentially do this. Thanks!
+ [2017-04-21T18:37:29Z] nickjj how can i replace this hard coded nastiness into something that happens "every 3 indexes"? {% if forloop.index == 3 or forloop.index == 6 or forloop.index == 9 %}