+[2017-04-13T18:29:37Z]ash_workz(re the toc) +[2017-04-16T00:19:46Z]mefistofeleshey, I'm having a hard time using minimal-mistakes from jekyll, I can't get the CSS/styling to work in my GH site https://ijpulidos.github.io/ any ideas what may be going on? +[2017-04-16T00:19:47Z]jekyllrbTitle: Ivan's Tangent Bundle (at ijpulidos.github.io) +[2017-04-16T00:33:06Z]mefistofelesno one? :P +[2017-04-16T02:19:47Z]tohuwjaybe ah, dig... it didn't click that collections could essentially do this. Thanks!
+[2017-04-21T18:37:29Z]nickjjhow can i replace this hard coded nastiness into something that happens "every 3 indexes"? {% if forloop.index == 3 or forloop.index == 6 or forloop.index == 9 %} +[2017-04-21T18:38:14Z]nickjjnormally i would just do , forloop.index % 3 , but that's not valid liquid +[2017-04-21T18:38:42Z]captn3m0nickjj: modulo is the operator you want http://stackoverflow.com/a/25123476/368328 +[2017-04-21T18:38:43Z]jekyllrbTitle: Modulus (or lack thereof) in Ruby's Liquid templating engine - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com) +[2017-04-21T18:42:52Z]nickjjcaptn3m0, right but no matter what combo i use, it doesn't work as intended -- it never evals the comparison of the modulo result in the correct spot