+ [2017-05-07T20:19:25Z] cg_ I think I will github pages will be the better choice for what I need. Thanks for the help
+ [2017-05-07T20:19:42Z] jaybe o/
+ [2017-05-07T20:20:26Z] jaybe girhub also provides out of box collaboration on the files and content with other github users, etc. if desired
+ [2017-05-07T20:20:37Z] jaybe s/gir/git/
+ [2017-05-07T20:20:38Z] jekyllrb For the record, jaybe meant: github also provides out of box collaboration on the files and content with other github users, etc. if desired

message no. 168382

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2017-05-07T20:19:42Z

+ [2017-05-08T02:30:22Z] parkr :wave:
+ [2017-05-08T18:46:06Z] chatter29 allah is doing
+ [2017-05-08T18:46:13Z] chatter29 sun is not doing allah is doing
+ [2017-05-08T18:46:14Z] chatter29 to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger