+ [2017-06-16T23:02:02Z] jekyllrb (toc) (#1) http://www.seanbuscay.com/blog/jekyll-toc-markdown/, or (#2) https://allejo.io/blog/a-jekyll-toc-in-liquid-only/
+ [2017-06-16T23:10:10Z] jaybe
+ [2017-06-16T23:28:33Z] Woovie how I should go about arranging the array for ease of use in jekyll.
+ [2017-06-16T23:28:33Z] Woovie Hello, I am using jekyll for the first time, specifically interacting with JSON data and looping through it. Here's my JSON array: https://pastebin.com/raw/vfE1wpj7 how exactly would I go about getting the name of the item? Here's my code so far for the page loading this: https://pastebin.com/raw/StTRPm2z my intent is to get the name of the item. Would it be better to make a value in the object for the URL and name? Not sure
+ [2017-06-16T23:41:17Z] Woovie It looks like item[0] did it.

message no. 169728

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2017-06-16T23:02:02Z

(toc) (#1) http://www.seanbuscay.com/blog/jekyll-toc-markdown/, or (#2) https://allejo.io/blog/a-jekyll-toc-in-liquid-only/
+ [2017-06-17T00:05:14Z] Woovie My next issue is using that data array, I want to be able to go to /item/item-name.html, I got the URLs generated, but does jekyll have some way of actually dynamically making those HTML files based on a JSON array? Or should I do that outside of jekyll.
+ [2017-06-17T02:09:29Z] sixfingeredamish Hi guys, I was wondering how to just make my homepage the latest post. I've looked into pagination but I still want to keep my permalinks, so I was wondering if there is another solution
+ [2017-06-17T02:33:09Z] sixfingeredamish The only solution I can find other than pagination is to manually copy my layout over, which makes them hard to maintain
+ [2017-06-17T03:04:38Z] allejo not the most elegant solution, but you could move all your logic for displaying an individual post to an `{% include %}` and then you'd use that in both the layout for your posts and your home page
+ [2017-06-17T03:05:15Z] allejo for example: `{% include show-post.html post=myPost %}`