+ [2017-06-18T15:31:39Z] raulx222 I'd expect to get the variable of item.materie but I don't get anything :/
+ [2017-06-22T00:23:35Z] maxlin_ hello
+ [2017-06-22T00:23:59Z] maxlin_ i want to know what's wrong with jekyll + rouge + redcarpet markdown
+ [2017-06-22T00:24:13Z] maxlin_ can anyone help me figure out whats going on ?
+ [2017-06-22T00:24:23Z] maxlin_ the syntax highlight seems not right

message no. 169856

Posted by maxlin_ in #jekyll at 2017-06-22T00:23:35Z

+ [2017-06-23T10:03:25Z] ArsenArsen Anyone knows how can I run a jekyll webpage on gh-pages branch with gh pages and multiple pages? Do I just need to do .md files with YAML headers? And how would the URLs look like?
+ [2017-06-23T12:16:07Z] DirtyF hi, anyone experienced with Jekyll not finding a gem bundled from Rubygems?
+ [2017-06-23T12:16:56Z] DirtyF Aaron is having a hard time figuring why: https://github.com/aarongustafson/jekyll-webmention_io/issues/22
+ [2017-06-23T12:16:58Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll isn’t finding the gem when bundled from RubyGems · Issue #22 · aarongustafson/jekyll-webmention_io · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2017-06-24T12:03:07Z] cat_ hey everyone