+[2017-06-30T20:46:06Z]ski7777What to do? +[2017-06-30T20:46:07Z]jekyllrbTitle: ftcommunity-TXT/docs at master · ftCommunity/ftcommunity-TXT · GitHub (at github.com) +[2017-06-30T20:48:26Z]allejono need to spam, mate +[2017-06-30T20:48:34Z]allejoone of your plug-ins is probably causing that +[2017-06-30T20:48:54Z]allejodisable each one and see when the message is gone or try updating to the latest jekyll
disable each one and see when the message is gone or try updating to the latest jekyll
+[2017-07-01T10:00:10Z]ski7777allejo: How to do that? I am just the user +[2017-07-01T14:51:14Z]jaybeski7777: you are a/the user in control right? +[2017-07-01T14:51:25Z]ski7777yes +[2017-07-01T14:51:36Z]ski7777But I am not the developer +[2017-07-01T14:51:36Z]jaybeand you are using a theme and/or plug-ins produced by third parties?