+[11 years ago]QuarkSpecific paragraph, I should have said. +[11 years ago]jaybeif you wish for every single <p> to have its own id then you'll likely need to write a plugin to interact with the markdown processor to inject +[11 years ago]QuarkThat is what I was asking for. +[11 years ago]QuarkDo you know of any such plugin, or have a tip on creating one? I know little to nothing of Ruby. +[11 years ago]jaybeoff hand i do not
message no. 17529
Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-01-31T19:05:51Z
off hand i do not
+[11 years ago]pepper_chicohi, is it a good idea to.... have a wiki on github pages? I use github pages for some site hosting, and blog, since it's based on jekyll, most are heavily blog like, and for a wiki, I'd like the look, to be wiki like +[11 years ago]pepper_chicofor example, this is a first issue for me: http://stackoverflow.com/q/21489887/1000282 +[11 years ago]pepper_chicoa native github wiki based on gollum is not ideal for me, I miss pull-requests, and other features +[11 years ago]jaybepepper_chico, not sure what you are asking exactly. jekyll is not dynamic therefore it is not a wiki. not sure what you're trying to accomplish. +[11 years ago]pepper_chicojaybe: editing would be through local editing or prose, the only issue for me, is the look