+ [2020-01-23T18:53:46Z] R2robot traceroute can sometimes give you an idea
+ [2020-01-23T19:00:05Z] F3nd3r Yes, good point
+ [2020-01-23T19:01:01Z] F3nd3r I suppose if you folks aren't aware of any widespread complaints it must be something screwy from here to there
+ [2020-01-23T23:53:26Z] AndyAndyBoBandy anyone know best practices for including animated SVGs in reST, especially for getting rendered properly by github's readme parser?
+ [2020-01-23T23:58:15Z] R2robot use gifs

message no. 176668

Posted by R2robot in #github at 2020-01-23T23:58:15Z

use gifs
+ [2020-01-24T00:02:31Z] AndyAndyBoBandy R2robot: I am currently, but I'd like to replace them with SVGs. Animated SVGs are rendered well by github's markdown parser, I just want to know how github likes to see it in reST for the same functionality.
+ [2020-01-24T07:32:08Z] willvarfar I have forked a repo, done some work in a branch, and now have a pull request submitted to the original repo. Every time I commit to my dev branch, the pull request automatically updates.The original repo has since made a few changes. If I pull from the original
+ [2020-01-24T07:32:44Z] willvarfar into my dev branch, will my open pull request suddenly be polluted with all the changes that others have made that I've just pulled from the original?
+ [2020-01-24T11:10:44Z] hendry hi, is there a way to run github actions AFTER travis CI?
+ [2020-01-24T12:23:26Z] nlhowell does anyone know if the "hub" official cli client allows you to add comments to an issue?