+ [2014-02-07T04:04:27Z] jashank isaacbw: Check out the `exclude` option in _config.yml: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/
+ [2014-02-07T05:16:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2829 (refactor-layout-reading) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/18392922
+ [2014-02-07T21:33:02Z] clatugaye Hi all. It is possible to setup a default layout so I don't have to use the page front matter inside each page?
+ [2014-02-07T21:33:38Z] jaybe clatugaye, aside from simply including: layout: default ... one could write a plugin to check for the existence of the layout: front matter and if it does not exist, then provide a default.

message no. 18024

Posted by yaymukund in #jekyll at 2014-02-07T02:12:18Z

is there a way to pass a single post to an include?
+ [2014-02-08T01:54:07Z] parkr hey guys :)
+ [2014-02-08T03:13:52Z] jaybe mojobot tell parker sorry i missed you! hi! hope all is well! -jaybe
+ [2014-02-08T03:13:53Z] mojobot jaybe: Sodesu sensei sama!
+ [2014-02-08T05:35:40Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2832 (security-vuln-patches) The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/18460755
+ [2014-02-09T21:36:37Z] Guest59812 Hello. I can't install Jekyll. :(