+ [2020-06-18T20:51:08Z] jhass whatever works for you! No judging
+ [2020-06-18T20:52:49Z] bodiccea Good night all, thanks, will try tomorrow (my time, UTC+2), to find a solution for this...
+ [2020-06-18T21:02:44Z] nedbat bodiccea: literally just ignore it. merge the pull request anyway
+ [2020-06-18T23:09:11Z] sydbarret git remote -v gives the url with fetch and push

message no. 182440

Posted by bodiccea in #github at 2020-06-18T20:36:13Z

yes, but I do not understand where.
+ [2020-06-19T03:10:51Z] mithro Is there a way to set the "repository's social media preview" from an API? I have a tool which generates nice preview images but I don't want to go through each repo manually to set it and I can't seem to find anything in the API documentation?
+ [2020-06-19T03:30:28Z] mithro The Github GraphQL API seems to have openGraphImageUrl in the docs -- is it possible to use that to update it?
+ [2020-06-19T08:10:33Z] PaddyF when i create a repository and clone it locally and then add my changes but push much later back to the repo, and somebody else clones that, will they see all my local steps or just 1 big commit?
+ [2020-06-19T08:35:46Z] Soliton unless you explicitely squash commits they will not be randomly rewritten.