+[2021-06-14T19:59:30Z]allejoare you opening the html file as-is in your browser? or are you accessing it via a web server? +[2021-06-14T20:05:22Z]kempofile as-is +[2021-06-14T20:05:40Z]kempothat doenst work. opening it through a webserver worked. +[2021-06-14T20:05:46Z]kempoi tried it. +[2021-06-14T20:05:52Z]kempohope it will work on ipfs, too
are you opening the html file as-is in your browser? or are you accessing it via a web server?
+[2021-09-27T15:14:31Z]jaybe~ [4.2.1 | 3.9.1] Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby - Home: jekyllrb.com - Docs: jekyllrb.com/docs/home - GitHub: github.com/jekyll/jekyll - Help/Talk: talk.jekyllrb.com - Teams: teams.jekyllrb.com - Liquid: http://shopify.github.com/liquid +[2021-09-29T13:24:26Z]mooperdHello, How do I change how {{ content }} is rendered? +[2021-09-29T13:24:38Z]mooperdI cant work out how this is templated +[2021-09-29T13:25:37Z]mooperdand my google-fu is failing me +[2021-09-29T14:28:30Z]jaybemooperd: more info