+[3 years ago]mooperdHello, How do I change how {{ content }} is rendered? +[3 years ago]mooperdI cant work out how this is templated +[3 years ago]mooperdand my google-fu is failing me +[3 years ago]jaybemooperd: more info +[3 years ago]jaybe{{ content | inspect }}
+[3 years ago]ccapndaveHey everyone - I'm very new to Jekyll plugins, but I'm trying to write a custom sorting filter and can't figure out how to get a property of the posts I'm trying to sort. +[3 years ago]ccapndave{% assign portfolios2 = site.categories.portfolio | my_sort %} +[3 years ago]ccapndaveThen `def my_sort(input)` gets a string, but I need to get a field (the date) of the post so that I can sort it correctly +[3 years ago]jaybeallejo: had a chance to play with fsnotes? +[3 years ago]allejojaybe: I did! I liked it but was sad about the lack of Windows support :(