+ [2014-02-16T20:13:41Z] kaffeebohne I always develop in an extra folder, so I just deleted some posts
+ [2014-02-16T22:44:35Z] lxsameer how can i read yaml data of a post within a generator ?
+ [2014-02-16T23:33:36Z] pontiki posts are a collection on site.posts; site is passed into the generator
+ [2014-02-16T23:34:53Z] pontiki in each post, you access the front matter as post.data, which is a hash based on the yaml
+ [2014-02-16T23:35:18Z] pontiki so site.posts.each {|post| post.data[:title] } for example

message no. 18793

Posted by qote in #jekyll at 2014-02-16T18:36:04Z

well, here is my actual code: https://github.com/mgnz/mgnz.github.io/blob/source/source/_includes/post/date.html
+ [2014-02-17T02:14:43Z] clatugaye It is possible to extend Jekyll to define a custom collection of pages inside the site variable? Something like site.my_list_of_pages
+ [2014-02-17T02:15:33Z] clatugaye I'm able to do this using a filter, {% assign process_pages = site.pages | filter_process_pages %}
+ [2014-02-17T02:15:33Z] clatugaye {% for page in process_pages %}