+ [2014-02-18T04:09:57Z] aboudreault looks like yes I need them.
+ [2014-02-18T10:28:09Z] Alexis_Evo trying to make my blog index include different files depending on the type of the post (a different layout for photos, music, videos, normal text, question/answers, etc), what's the best way to go about this?
+ [2014-02-18T11:02:37Z] Alexis_Evo Also, the website claims Octopress comes with the "puts" tag plugin, but it's lacking from the github source.
+ [2014-02-18T15:13:25Z] masan why rake preview does not compile sass file changes?

message no. 19018

Posted by aboudreault in #octopress at 2014-02-18T04:10:02Z

+ [2014-02-19T20:29:23Z] koz2 Hi everyone. I just built my blog using octopress and deployed it with heroku. However, after I restarted my Linux, rake generate no longer works. It says that it cannot load bundler/setup. What did I do wrong?
+ [2014-07-04T08:31:27Z] shorts Hi, Is there any way I can have a special css layout for a specific page? For example if I want to include a css example in the content of a markdown file? TIA
+ [2014-07-04T11:05:07Z] Maior shorts: just add the style tag?
+ [2014-07-04T11:05:15Z] Maior but I don't get how the two questions relate
+ [2014-07-04T11:05:46Z] shorts Maior: do you mean an inline style tag?